Cards 20-30 of our amazing guest illustrations. Many are one-off rewards for beating challenges or reaching the end of certain story arcs, so even though we have close to 300 cards, you’ll only see 40-60 in each playthrough. These cards are your memories, and every life is different.
We’ve started the private beta test of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, and our first playtesters are kicking so much ass! If you’d like to join, swing by the Finji Discord, get your Exocolonist Fan role, and apply to be a tester on the #exocolonist-beta-opt-in channel. We’ll be adding new testers every couple weeks and working together to make this game the best it can be.
Last month we put out the call for guest illustrators to collaborate on #100exocards – one hundred cards by one hundred illustrators in their own styles. We received almost 300 applications, and had a very tough time selecting artists.
We tried to choose a variety of different art styles and diverse artist backgrounds. The artists have been sharing sketches on a private channel of our Discord server, and with the deadline approaching next week, the finished art is starting to roll in.
Here are the first ten cards!
First round of guest illustrated cards – credits below.
They are amazing! I’m already blown away by the art people are sending in. It’s so soul-stirring to see scenes and characters from the game reinterpreted through their eyes. We’ve been working on this game for over 4 years and it’s finally starting to feel real with these.
And there’s more to come – we’ll be posting 10 a week here for the next couple months and sharing on social media with the hashtag #100exocards.
The Exocolonist demo is available all this week until August 30th! Play it here on Steam.
The card battling system in I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is like a combination of Yahtzee and Magic the Gathering. Or… poker with card abilities!
Organize cards to make highest value hand
There are hundreds of cards (which we also call memories), and we need your help to make them look cool! This month we’re looking for 100 artists to draw card art for the game. Details here:
We’re looking for all styles of painting and drawing, and we’d especially love to hear from students, marginalized folks and people outside North America.
Our team artists bkomei and Eduardo Vargas have illustrated a bunch of cards already:
Every card is a memory of something you’ve done in the game, and together your collective experiences are used for everything from fighting monsters to making new friends.
You play a quick one-hand card challenge every month to determine how well you worked or concentrated in school, and longer multi-round challenges to determine the outcome of strife during story events.
If your application is selected, we’ll let you know soon where you can pick your card and get started. Artwork will be due on September 30th. Our budget is $150 usd per piece, which I know might be a lot to some and not much to others.
Character reference art for the player character, Sol.
Stay tuned to see the results as they come in! (I’m so excited!!) Oh and while you’re waiting, a new Exocolonist demo is available on Steam all this week during Gamescom, ending August 30th!
The Strato kids learn about Earth holidays, by @bkomei
We’re starting to finish up the art for I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, but still have manymany months to go with the writing, card game design, audio, balancing, polish and testing. My TODO list is finally shrinking faster than it is growing! And thanks to Finji taking over some of our social media and bizdev duties, you may hear less from me personally, but it means I can put my head down and focus on the game.
This year has been a serious effing challenge for me, to put it lightly. But my loved ones are healthy and I’ve had so much extra time to put into Exocolonist. I have a lot to be thankful for in 2020.