I love the range of styles for Marz in this set of cards 70-80. I wonder if players will try to make an ‘all marz’ deck and whether that would be playable at all…

I love the range of styles for Marz in this set of cards 70-80. I wonder if players will try to make an ‘all marz’ deck and whether that would be playable at all…
Spoilers this time – I don’t usually warn but these happen to be mainly late game cards with too obvious names.
It’s unlikely you’d see more than a couple of these in one playthrough, because you’d need to focus most of your teen years on one area: geoponics, exploration, engineering, or garrison. You won’t have time to do all of them in one playthrough.
Cards 50-60! I’m planning to rearrange the art on some cards, or rename the cards to better fit the art. Or just… replace the temp names (“Something Something Leader” was particularly lazy of me).
Cards 40-50 of our guest card illustrations for #100exocards. I love the animals in this one! The innocent bristleslug getting its itchy berries plucked by a not-so-innocent Tangent. That lil caged hopeye in the Traveling Salesman.
And the fallen rock monster from Felling a Giant! We hadn’t ever drawn it before so it’s neat to have a visual reference for folks in the game now.
We’re still balancing the mechanics of the card game, and there are some bugs to fix (looking at you Pulling Weeds, what is a “non- card”?). And we’re working to tie card flavor to its mechanics and level, especially for unique, hard to get cards at the end of a quest or event chain.