The Exocolonist demo is available all this week until August 30th! Play it here on Steam.
The card battling system in I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is like a combination of Yahtzee and Magic the Gathering. Or… poker with card abilities!

There are hundreds of cards (which we also call memories), and we need your help to make them look cool! This month we’re looking for 100 artists to draw card art for the game. Details here:
We’re looking for all styles of painting and drawing, and we’d especially love to hear from students, marginalized folks and people outside North America.
Our team artists bkomei and Eduardo Vargas have illustrated a bunch of cards already:

Every card is a memory of something you’ve done in the game, and together your collective experiences are used for everything from fighting monsters to making new friends.
You play a quick one-hand card challenge every month to determine how well you worked or concentrated in school, and longer multi-round challenges to determine the outcome of strife during story events.

If your application is selected, we’ll let you know soon where you can pick your card and get started. Artwork will be due on September 30th. Our budget is $150 usd per piece, which I know might be a lot to some and not much to others.
So if you know an artist who you think would want to be involved, please spread the word and apply here!

Stay tuned to see the results as they come in! (I’m so excited!!) Oh and while you’re waiting, a new Exocolonist demo is available on Steam all this week during Gamescom, ending August 30th!
– Sarah